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Lehigh Carbon Community College

展示你的利哈伊碳社区学院的骄傲与我们的LCCC大学服装的正宗分类-包括LCCC t恤, sweatshirts, LCCC gifts, hats and more. Join the ranks of your fellow LCCC students, 校友和球队的狂热分子通过运动的终极LCCC比赛日装备. 有男女尺寸可供选择,全家人可以在每个季节都为LCCC加油. 寻找比利哈伊碳社区学院服装? 我们已经有了LCCC礼品的想法涵盖,从饮料到礼品卡的选择. Plus, our selection of textbooks, general books, computers, course materials, 和用品将确保每个LCCC学生为成功做好准备. Call, contact or come into the LCCC Bookstores today!

LCCC Bookstore Website

Phone Numbers & Contact Information:

  • 610-799-1126 (Bookstore Main Line)
  • 610-799-1035 (Textbook Customer Service)
  • 610-799-1036 (General Customer Service)
  • 610-799-1650 (Front Registers Customer Service)
  • E-mail:

Find hours and all locations on the Bookstore website.

以下是关于福莱特访问书店计划的信息. Please review these documents on what the program is, how it benefits you as a student, what courses are in this program, along with how to access your materials!

How do I know what books I need & how do I order them?

  1. Go to
  2. Under “Get Your Textbooks” section, 输入您的l#(必须包含字母L并大写,后跟8位数字), click ‘Enter’.
  3. Pick the correct TERM from the dropdown menu; tap “Find Courses”.
  4. 所提供的列表是您注册的所有课程所需的自定义书目.
    • Items with “Required” are required for your classes.
    • Items with “Recommended” are not required but suggested.
    • “Choose Only” indicates you will need only 1 of the options provided; it is your choice as both are approved for class.
  5. 在你想购买的商品上打勾,然后点击“添加商品到购物车”.
  6. Click on your “Bag” to checkout and finalize your order.
    • 按照屏幕上的提示,完整填写所有要求的信息. ****不正确的信息可能导致延迟,或您的订单被取消.
  7. When choosing the method of delivery, 请注意,有4种选择:在主校区店内领取, On Campus Pickup at the Morgan Center (Tamaqua), On Campus Pickup at the Donley Center (Allentown), or, for an additional fee, we can ship the items to you.
  8. 您将收到2-3封来自书店的关于您订单的电子邮件:
    • Order Confirmation: This tells you your order has been placed, but NOT READY for Pickup.
    • Receipt: If you used Financial Aid, you will receive an email with a receipt, this indicates your order has been processed, but NOT READY for Pickup.
    • Order Ready for Pickup: 请等待这封电子邮件到达,然后再开始取您的订单. Orders may take 24-48 hours to be pulled and processed.
    • If you chose Morgan or Donley Center for pick up, 它将在您收到准备取件的电子邮件后24小时内快递到地点. Courier leaves main campus at 12pm Monday – Friday.
    • 您将需要您的订单号码的最后两个数字来取您的物品.
    • ID is REQUIRED for all TECHNOLOGY pickups.
    • Yes, you can have someone else pick up your items for you; please provide the full order number to whomever may be picking them up so we may assist them.

What type of payment does the bookstore accept?

  • Cash
  • Financial Aid (Bookstore Voucher)
  • Apple Pay
  • G Pay
  • Samsung Pay
  • PayPal
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • Bookstore Gift Cards

Who do I reach out to if I have a question?

在书店寻求帮助的最好方法是发电子邮件. Please email us at 最好包括完整的问题或问题,并提供您的l#.


  • 注意:在学期开始和结束的时候,我们是最忙的. 最好在这段时间给我们发电子邮件,因为我们可能无法接听所有的电话.


To use your bookstore voucher in-store, 你将需要你的l#和一种形式的ID(我们强烈建议你的学校ID), but any photo ID will work).

To use your bookstore voucher online, 您将在退房时选择“经济援助”作为付款方式,并输入完整的l#.

  • 请确保您的l#是正确的,并且您有适当的可用资金. 如果您有不当的资金或姓名不匹配,订单将被取消.
  • 您只能使用书店代金券为自己-不允许运送给另一个人. Order MUST be in your name.

你可以用书店的代金券购买课本和学习用品. 你每学期也可以获得一个技术项目.

  • 一些不允许购买的物品包括家具, tv, projectors, clothing, cosmetics, cell phones, watches, magazines, gift cards, greeting cards, candy, food, water bottles, airtags, and textbooks not required for class.
  • More information on bookstore vouchers.


  • 虽然在卫星校区没有零售书店, 您可以选择将您的在线订单快递到任何一个卫星校区免费取件. 请按照指示下订单,并选择您希望收到订单的校园. Note: The addresses for the 3 pickup locations are different! 在完成订单之前,请确保您选择了正确的位置.
    • Note: Once you receive the “ready for pick up” email, 请再等24小时再去取.


  • 如果您使用两种不同的信用卡或礼品卡,您可以在网站上进行拆分投标.
    • 如果你想用财政援助和你自己的资金进行分割投标, you will need to come in store to complete the transaction. Only non-financial aid orders can be split online.

My books are included in tuition & fees, how do I get access to them?

Books that are included in tuition & fees are a part of the bookstore ACCESS program. 

I dropped my class and want a refund. What is that process?

如果您的材料是在掉落/添加期间或之前购买的, the last day for a full refund is drop/add, which is approximately 1 week after classes begin.


  • Books must be in the condition they were purchased.
  • You must have your receipt when requesting a refund.
  • If you can’t make it in by the deadline, please email us at so that we can accommodate your needs.
  • 产品打开后,技术项目不能退货退款.

I have financial aid funds; how much do I have? Where to find the amount?

  • 您可以通过在正常营业时间联系商务办公室或财务援助办公室来查找您的财务援助帐户的余额.
  • If you are expecting to have funds available and don’t, 你需要和商务办公室的人谈谈这个问题. This is not controlled by the Bookstore.

在正常营业时间,我在哪里可以还书? After hours? From Morgan/Donley?

  • 租来的书可以在正常营业时间内归还给书店(可在LCCCShop找到).com) to the main campus bookstore in Schnecksville.
    • 也可以通过快递服务将书籍从摩根和唐利中心送回书店. 请您填好所要求的借书证,并将借书交回总台,由总台快递至主校区. We will process the returns as they arrive to the Bookstore.
    • 我们在主校园书店外也有一个收集箱,供下班后使用. You’ll need to fill out the provided slip. We have also provided bags to put items in. Books will be checked in the next business day.